
There and Back!!

So ages ago I thought I was ready to go...ready to blog...I believe that was February. I also thought I understood this blasted thing and could change up the way the layout was...after all I had changed things before, so I sort of left it meh...looking. Then as with many things of late I forgot all about it!! So today I thought I would jump back in here! Update my page and get rolling!!HAHAHAHAH the best laid plans!! Every time I try to change the lay out it tells me there is a problem! So here I am ready to blog, and now I am so frustrated that my blog has gone from something fun to this! nothing more than a hello and why yes my background still looks like a toddler put it together! I am going to continue to mess around! I am sure it's me!After all computers only do what we tell them?yes? Hope you are having a lovely summer and I really am trying to fix this mess!!!


Forget About it Friday!

Speaking of rust, my mind has been full of it! Anyway I think I've stated this before but I do intend to blog more often...I often day dream as to what I would blog about but never get past that. I forget, or get busy...or just I don't know whatever!!!!

 So forget about it Friday is all about just whatever comes to mind!!It's Friday, who wants to do a heck of lot of thinking!!! Today I was thinking about old/new stuff... & laughing at the fact that I have actually bought things brand spanking new & then tossed them in my back yard until they are rusty enough to be permitted entrance into my house!!! My very proper Aunt & Grandmother would die if they knew of such shenanigans!!! My Grandmother was one who heated plates for dinner, ironed ALL of her laundry...and so on. I was 2 when she died, but I am certain I would cause her to have heart trouble should she see what I drag in my house!!! The older the better I say! If it's pink or rusty even better!!!! 

That's it!! Nothing to deep, nothing to contribute to society just my wondering mind! I'll be back on Monday. My baby moves out on Monday...That should give me plenty to blog about...perhaps I'll title it "Mourning Monday" Ok that might be a little dramatic! Just trying to keep your attention!
Good Night my pretties~ I would love to promise that the next time you return my blog will not look like a 5 year old put it together...but well I'll not kid us both! Enjoy your weekend & squeeze your babies, they really do grow up way to fast, I promise.


Be Still......

I don't know about you but it always seems that I am on the go.....sometimes it's just my thoughts, sometimes I am in and out all day long!!! Either way it's just go...go....go! Right now we are in a sort of transition time of life, some I can share, some not just yet. Some fun, some I am not so sure yet! We have had a grand baby born, not a bad change! It doesn't effect my every day life so much, but have found my thoughts are on that little boy!!! Our youngest son has finished up at the local junior college and is heading off for a semester at Bible College, then who knows what or where next!!! I am excited for him!!! He needs to be out on his own, this is what we raise them to do, to get along in life without us!!! Right!!??? We have done our job raising him, and now he is ready to go, more than ready I am sure!!But he is my baby, when I look at him sometimes I don't even see him as young man with whiskers, but as a big blue eyed smooth faced baby boy, excuse me I need to run to grab a tissue......! Some memories are just seared in my brain, different times & moments of his life. Like the day he sat next to a little snake hole in our back yard, patiently waiting for the little gopher snake to poke his head out so he could grab him, to keep as a pet! I told him it was pointless that the snake was wiley to his ways and would never be dumb enough to stick out his head....but he did...and Alec caught him! Or the time Alec wanted to plant a cantaloupe seed straight from one of the melons we had just cut...I told him you have to dry it out...or buy it in a package from the store son...that little seed won't grow...but he planted it and it grew!! It grew to about the size of a large softball.....then a gopher got it...but still it grew! Or the time he found a part in the grass and told us that it looked like it came from the lawn mower, Tom had just been working on it. Tom had his doubts, but he's smarter than me and didn't voice them, so off they trotted to the garage, and sure enough...the part was from the lawn mower....all these things happened before he was 7! There is more, but I choose not to bare all my parenting blunders! I've learned a thing or two!

So while I am happy! I am also a mom, a mom that frets, and thinks of all the crazy things that can happen when your child moves out, thinks of how quiet the house will be, and wonders who will rescue me when I need tech. help, or when I've let a few things go around the house only to recall at the last minute that we have guests coming..."Alec can you pick up a bit"? Oh dear......and to be really honest I'll just miss his company! In our family we like each other! We laugh & talk & tease each other! We are in and out back and forth with crazy schedules.....but we love to be together, I will miss that.

But in the midst of all of my crazy thoughts & fretting, my busy days I saw a card that said..
Be STILL....and know that I am God. it's from Psalms 46:10 and I thought that's it!! My word is STILL, for me it isn't a physical need to be still, but my mind. To not worry and fret over every single thing in my life...which then brings stress in my house & we all feel it! So I am going to work on being still....and know that He is God...and what ever is on my mind (or plate) God has got it, He is in control, and I need not fret or worry, it all comes to nothing, it changes nothing...But God.....He can change all things!


Made to Crave

Recently I heard the Author of the book "Made to Crave," I had actually never heard of the book prior to hearing her speak, but was intrigued! The book was written mainly for those who struggle with food. But as she spoke she also shared that this book can help in many area's of our lives. Her question was this. "What do you Crave More Than God?"
I started really thinking about it, asking the Lord to search my heart and show me.....and did He ever! I typically don't like to jump on the diet/book fad bandwagon. If its new and hip in the media world I usually am not interested...i.e. Atkins Diet, The Prayer of Jabez, Purpose Driven Life, Palm Beach Diet...I run...run the other way!!! So I was a little sceptical & felt a bit defensive that I was even considering ordering this thing!!! But I went the the Proverbs 31 website, and discovered that this book is in fact NOT new!!!! Hoooraay!!! But still I was beginning to doubt my need to read this and wanted to pass off what God had revealed to me  as perhaps just a bit of bad potato...wait no..that's from Christmas Carol...um just thought I could weasel my way out of facing the truth! It hurts to do that....but I believe in order to move on and be all that God has planned, I need to clean some things up!
So not only did I discover that the book was indeed not new, but that they offered a free online class to help you stay accountable and connected! Boom baby! I'm in!! Not only that but signed up for a few conference calls to listen to more encouragement! Was so excited that Matthew Barnett from the Los Angeles Dream Center will be one of the calls! He is a great speaker & we have been to the Dream Center many times!

So what about you? What do you crave more than God? Is it food? Drugs? Facebook!!(sorry had to put that one!!) Other people's approval??? Not sure? To many to list? Well know this, whether you choose to read this book, or think it's just a religious crazy craze.....just know this! There is a God & He created you to crave & be passionate! But more than that He created you to worship Him!!!Not  food, or other people's approval, not media! But Him!
 Ask Him, He will show you! He will reveal to you just what you need to change! Then He will make a way for you to do it!, He's good like that! Remember Roman's 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus! No guilt or shame! He loves you right where your at, in your mess!!! He is not afraid of your mess, He wants to help you out of it!
So......what do you crave?


New Beginnings!

 I have a love hate relationship with the New Year! Love to set a few goals, hate looking back and seeing where I have not met or kept last years "resolutions" However this year I intend to cling to the fact that I know and love a God who is the God of new beginnings! Not a God of condemnation....I tend to carry this load of guilt when I fail, and for me that translates to not trying again. 
In the last few weeks headed up to this new year it was either pointed out to me, or because of a situation I was going through...revealed to me that when I fail, I quit all together, usually never to try again.....mind you I love all those quotes that talk about how failure doesn't define you, or that a failure doesn't mean that you should give up...I like those quotes...and for some reason I thought that I actually believed them, until I started looking back at my life at work as well as personal, and how often I just toss in the towel. Not across the board, but pretty close! There are some things of course I try try again. But often not. So I have been asking myself why? Why do I do that, and what am I going to do about it? I'll not bore you with my answers, but am determined to not only answer that question, but to move on! To try! To apply to my life all the advice & encouragement I so freely give to others (when asked of course!)
It isn't so much about wanting to loose weight, or be more organised, kinder, more patient, read through the whole Bible, be a better wife, mother, nonna...I want to do all of those things! Sheesh it's an admirable list isn't it!?? But what I plan to do is not give up when criticized, or when I fail, to listen when someone has constructive criticism, but not give up because of it. To not be overly concerned what "everyone" else will think...I am 48 I really should have shed that skin a long time ago!! But intend to do it now! 
While thinking of all that I want to change I of course had to ask myself how? How do I, a quitter, plan to....well.....not quit at the first raised eyebrow, or crumble when I have failed at something? The first thing that came to my mind was this ~Phil 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.~ 
All Things.....the name of my blog, the irony is not lost on me here! In fact when that verse came to me, I didn't even think of my blog title! When choosing the title I knew it was a bible verse, but wasn't thinking of it in that term entirely, I was thinking mainly that my mind is all over the place at any given moment, and that I tend to have a million things on my mind at one time, so didn't want to confine my blog to one subject!!!! By naming it All Things, I could blog as random as I think!!! I can be pretty random...just as my hubby! 

So here I go, I am going to lean on the Lord, He is the God of All things, and if He is able to make the blind see, the deaf hear, to part the Red Sea...then He is able to make these tiny little changes in me! 
And you too! Never think you are a hopeless case, in Christ you aren't! He can do All Things!


A little Bit!

Corban James!
My daughter in-law,Christin, asked what it is like having a grandson...I will have to be honest and say....I cannot say! I was unprepared for all the emotions that I have been feeling. In fact as I type this he is just a little over 2 weeks old, and it has taken me this long to sort out what I am feeling....I'm not quite there. I tend to need to chew on things when it comes to my emotions, and that's ok. I call myself an "under-reactor", not sure that it's better than a person who just reacts to a situation or is an over reactor....all can be useful, all can be harmful..
Anyway I had no idea I would feel so full of love for a child that isn't even mine! But then it hit me, as I was watching Tom hold Corban & the look on his face I realized that in Corban was a little bit of all 4 of us (that were in that room! )I know he has a lot more in him than just his parents & Tom and I. But in that moment, in that room with just us 4 I realized that that little baby was a little bit of all of us! How could I not love him with all of my mothers heart!? No wonder it's called "GRAND-parent"!!! It is indeed a grand thing! I am amazed at all that we are feeling about this little guy! I am looking forward to the days and weeks ahead sharing in the joys & milestones of his life! This "little bit" of us!!