
What Happens at a Womens Retreat.......

The view from our window!

Last weekend I went on a Women's Retreat with 55 other ladies, and 1 man, we called him our "token man", really it was Tom, my hubby, he came along as our worship guy...not my husband!! I wanted to be in a room with girls & be as crazy as I felt,and talk about girl stuff!!!

While we were there we may or may not have done things like. Jump from bed to bed, toss water over a balcony at 2 unsuspecting young men,hey it was 91 degrees they looked like they needed help, rode in a golf cart while yelling "beep...beep" at every person we zoomed by (to the horror the 16 yr. old staff boy who was driving us) , laughed so hard and loud that the ladies in the room next to us asked us to "pipe down", laughed so hard and loud that 2 ladies from another church knocked on our door because we were having such fun that they wanted to be a part of it! Went to a mall and had one of the ladies in one of those kiosks curl or straighten our hair, then didn't buy a thing!!!
       Not sure that we got much sleep, but did we ever have a good time, and I think we might even be permitted to come back!!!