I don't know about you but it always seems that I am on the go.....sometimes it's just my thoughts, sometimes I am in and out all day long!!! Either way it's just go...go....go! Right now we are in a sort of transition time of life, some I can share, some not just yet. Some fun, some I am not so sure yet! We have had a grand baby born, not a bad change! It doesn't effect my every day life so much, but have found my thoughts are on that little boy!!! Our youngest son has finished up at the local junior college and is heading off for a semester at Bible College, then who knows what or where next!!! I am excited for him!!! He needs to be out on his own, this is what we raise them to do, to get along in life without us!!! Right!!??? We have done our job raising him, and now he is ready to go, more than ready I am sure!!But he is my baby, when I look at him sometimes I don't even see him as young man with whiskers, but as a big blue eyed smooth faced baby boy, excuse me I need to run to grab a tissue......! Some memories are just seared in my brain, different times & moments of his life. Like the day he sat next to a little snake hole in our back yard, patiently waiting for the little gopher snake to poke his head out so he could grab him, to keep as a pet! I told him it was pointless that the snake was wiley to his ways and would never be dumb enough to stick out his head....but he did...and Alec caught him! Or the time Alec wanted to plant a cantaloupe seed straight from one of the melons we had just cut...I told him you have to dry it out...or buy it in a package from the store son...that little seed won't grow...but he planted it and it grew!! It grew to about the size of a large softball.....then a gopher got it...but still it grew! Or the time he found a part in the grass and told us that it looked like it came from the lawn mower, Tom had just been working on it. Tom had his doubts, but he's smarter than me and didn't voice them, so off they trotted to the garage, and sure enough...the part was from the lawn mower....all these things happened before he was 7! There is more, but I choose not to bare all my parenting blunders! I've learned a thing or two!
So while I am happy! I am also a mom, a mom that frets, and thinks of all the crazy things that can happen when your child moves out, thinks of how quiet the house will be, and wonders who will rescue me when I need tech. help, or when I've let a few things go around the house only to recall at the last minute that we have guests coming..."Alec can you pick up a bit"? Oh dear......and to be really honest I'll just miss his company! In our family we like each other! We laugh & talk & tease each other! We are in and out back and forth with crazy schedules.....but we love to be together, I will miss that.
But in the midst of all of my crazy thoughts & fretting, my busy days I saw a card that said..
Be STILL....and know that I am God. it's from Psalms 46:10 and I thought that's it!! My word is STILL, for me it isn't a physical need to be still, but my mind. To not worry and fret over every single thing in my life...which then brings stress in my house & we all feel it! So I am going to work on being still....and know that He is God...and what ever is on my mind (or plate) God has got it, He is in control, and I need not fret or worry, it all comes to nothing, it changes nothing...But God.....He can change all things!
Thanks for sharing. I liked when you said, "...know that He is God. .. and what ever is on my mind (or plate) God has got it, He is in control. . ." Why is it so hard for us to remember that?